Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Something to make you laugh

Sometimes, I find that I often let myself slip into the melancholy. A part of me derives secret pleasure in wallowing in a bout of self-misery. Often I think, pain and sadness is self-inflicted. Self-pity is a twisted pleasure we all indulge in. Saying that, I'd like to leave you guys with a video my friend showed me that brought a smile to my face.

I'm trying to be happier these days and it's not easy, being a sookie lala who loves to pout and sulk...

Anyway, I hope this brings a smile to your faces as well.

Live Life the way you want it to be. You can't always control the outcome but you can control how you deal with it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hope things look up for you in the future as I'm sure they will